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International Day of Yoga celebrations began across the nation on Tuesday, as various states held yoga sessions, where people turned out in large numbers to practice the ancient Indian discipline.On this occassion AYUSH Deptt of Cetral Govt. of India instructed all the institutes to organise Yoga Day in their campuses. On this international yoga day JCD Vidyapeeth organise a workshop on importance of Yoga & Meditation to spread the awareness of these ancient practice for human beings. The chief guest on the occasion was Mr. Akash Chawla, Management Coordinator, JCDV where as Dr. Jai Parkash, Director Public Relations Office and Ms. Dipti Monga shared their experience and taught various YOGA ASANAS to the audience. The session commenced at 9:00 AM at JCDV Campus by the prayer in meditative posture and lasted for one and half hour. Asans like Taadaasana, Vrikshaasana, Trikonaasana, Vajrasana, Makaraasana, Kapaalabhaati, Pranayama and many more were practiced in the session. Various dignitaries of JCDV, Principals of constituent’s colleges, faculty and students of JCDV took part in the session with enthusiasm and jeal to learn various asana for their healthy life. Session end with the oath to make it a routine of doing yoga followed by shantipath.

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